Reach Out & Touch Someone

As I was going through my email, I came across a brief request from Lisa from Caffe Portofino, located in Northport, New York. It said,

Hi There,
We are entered to win a $35k grant for small businesses and we would really appreciate your vote. Simply click on the link and tell them why you love Caffe' Portofino!
Thank you,
Lisa Harris
Caffe' Portofino

Now I couldn't help but think, now there's a brave little marketing strategy. Simple? Absolutely, but brave as well. Why? Because it takes a little bit of pride-swallowing to reach out to each individual that's frequented your establishment and ask for a referral - which is basically what it is. You're also opening yourself up to discussion from dissatisfied customers.

and that's good... 

Now I've dealt with Lisa on a limited basis and I already know that she's the type that would welcome any comments, because she knows that hearing both the good and the bad will improve the growth of her business. Though also after working with Lisa I'm guessing there will be much more positive comments coming her way.

Awesome, Lisa! I nominated Caffe Portofino - good luck with your grant!


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