Perfect Photos Aren't Perfect. Or Necessary!
At the far end of the throngs of mermaids at the 2011 Coney Island Mermaid Parade was a group of friends dressed in red ensembles. What I loved about this group of young folks is that they seemed to be having an awesome time, and they didn't give a rat's butt about the fact that they weren't really mermaids at all.
What I love about these images is that they're not perfect. Blown out, very contrasty... I threw a filter on them and I love it. Why? Because it shows their emotion more than the costume or the background or the perfection of rest of the half-naked people at the parade.
I love this group of mermaids and this photo. It's one of my favs from the Mermaid Parade.
Thanks for the real emotion girls! Rock on!
Jacki Lacey
Twitter + Facebook + Tumblr = thevelvetday
Would you mind sending me the picture in whatever size/resolution deal you have? Thanks!
I'll email you directly still. Thanks for posting!